About Us

Enviromental force at grass root level

Environmental Force at Grass Root Level (ENFOGAL) is a non-governmental organization based in Ukhrul District, with a head office at Green Land Ukhrul Manipur. This is registered under Manipur Society Registration Act 1989, bearing Reg. No.96/40/SR/2016. Since November 14th, 2016; ENFOGAL aims to protect and revive our crumbling environment. It is initiated by a young vibrant aspiring social group for a sustainable environment. We impart the knowledge of solid waste management and those issues about environmental degradation with a special focus on youth and school/college-going students to understand the profound need for awareness and a sense of consciousness for the unborn environment at grass root level. We adopt a channel of spreading awareness in a superficial manner where one can easily learn, understand, and practice by putting it into action in a judicious way.

our over view

As ENFOGAL works under the umbrella of diverse movements to handle the challenges that deteriorate our environment it is our goal to broadcast and give reason on the matter of solid waste Management. Alongside the issues of global warming, water management, and our rich biodiversity which we need to conserve, preserve, and protect to retain our resources we took up a stand to join hands and work as a part of global concern by giving our best effort. Therefore, the collection of environmental impact assessments of the area we covered is a part of our project.

To satisfy and fulfill our objective we the ENFOGAL give our best effort and render a service for the welfare of the members and non-members of the society in general. Our force encounters the said challenges by organizing a periodical lecture, Seminar, workshop, and conference on theories. At the same time pragmatically we organized a cleanliness drive, tree plantation drive, fieldwork, jungle trail, and environmental campaign in any possible way on a selected site as our mission.